I should have posted this at least a week ago. I had the pictures taken, but I'm still worrying about the posts showing up where I want them to be. I created tabs, to kind of sort my posts in categories...but I can't find instructions anywhere as to how to make the post show up, for example, in Tablescapes, instead of just my home page. I added a "label" of "Tablescapes".
Well, onward we go...
I had a difficult time putting this table together. The beautiful Cobalt Blue Reticulated Chargers that I wanted to use eluded me...at least one of them did, for days and days. I thought I had started early enough to choose what I wanted to use on this table. Why is everything so difficult? Three of the chargers were in a curio cabinet in the living room...in plain sight. Of course, the cabinet is filled with crystal, and all had to be removed to get the chargers out. I know all you tablescapers dread that "domino effect". The one where you move something from a shelf you want to use for your table, and it shows the dust all around where the item sat. This means windexing the glass shelf, and washing all the items in the cabinet. Seems like I did that pretty recently...how could it need done again?
Okay...where is the fourth charger? I searched and searched. Every possible place I might have stashed something that big. Finally, I told Mr. Piggy that the only place I hadn't checked was the top shelf in the hall closet. Surely I wouldn't have put it there? I can't see up on that top shelf...too high...need a stool. It seemed like dragging a step stool in there was just too much effort. I was exhausted from looking. So...thankfully, Mr. Piggy brought the stool in and got up on it to look on that top shelf...and there it was!
I don't know if you know it or not, but if you double click on any of the photos, they will appear in a type of slide show called a "light box"...you can then use your arrow keys to arrow through them.
What to use for the centerpiece? My first choice would be fresh flowers, but not in the budget. I love red Geraniums. My daughter found this Geranium plant, and a smaller one, at an estate sale. $6...I tried to pay her for them but she wouldn't hear of it. I put the larger pot on a red plate. Next, I needed to look for any patriotic decor I might have. The flags had been in a plastic bag in the garage for years and years. Put them in the pot, and Yay...it looks good.

The red glass candlesticks were bought one year to make Christmas arrangements. My daughter Kris and I attached white Mums, greenery, and Cardinals, with red velvet ribbons to them. These two were left over, so I found them in my "red" cupboard, with the red dishes you see. Those Ruby Red dishes were a Mother's day present from my daughter Kris, years and years ago. She found them in an antique shop in Mt. Dora, while we were out antiquing together. I love them! The clear glass stems with the floral design that looks like a Daisy are favorites of mine. I have searched and searched for the pattern name but so far I can't identify it. They were also an estate sale find. If you recognize the pattern, please let me know!

I had several choices to use for stemware or goblets. Ruby Red goblets, and some very dark midnight blue goblets. I finally settled on these beautiful blue goblets that were purchased at an estate sale. Creating Divine Order is one of my favorite estate sale companies. This sale, I call the Countess sale, was conducted by CDO, and the house was a mansion in Winter Springs. The owner also had a home in Italy, was an heiress (I can't recall the company her fortune came from). She was also a Countess and a sculptress, and the whole house was filled with lovely things. If only I were rich! The Cobalt Blue chargers were also purchased at that sale. I don't know much about them, except that they had a label that said "Italy" on the bottom.
The eating area in my kitchen is very small. The round table has a leaf that makes it into an oval, but then I have no room at all to move around, so the leaf stays in a bedroom closet. Mr. Piggy thinks the table looks cluttered...oh well.
The red placemats were purchased at a thrift store in Sanford.
The napkins were sent to me by my dear friend Gaye. We've been friends since High School. I folded them so that just the stars show. I like the blue and white look on the red. The large white round tablecloth was also an estate sale find. Only $3!
The little star candles I've had for years...tucked in a drawer. This seemed like the perfect time to just use them. I didn't have anything to sit them on so that they wouldn't ruin the tablecloth when lit. While looking for the toe nail clippers to clip the dogs' nails, I found my Americana tile coasters, with the flags on them. Perfect!
The obligatory "rim shot". My "stack" started with the Cobalt Blue chargers and next are some white plates I found at Home Goods. The pretty Cobalt Blue salad plates were purchased on eBay. The next white saucer that the Ruby Red fruit dish sits on, came from an estate sale. It's made by Gibson...I don't know the pattern name, but they were only $15 for the set. Aren't the vintage blue plates pretty? I love the swirl design. They are described on eBay as vintage Cobalt Blue Duralex Bormioli Rocco made in France.
The flatware was another estate sale purchase. It is Magic Moment Nobility by Oneida. It's well worn, and is developing a patina. I paid very little for the whole set. I love the flower design.
A close up of the star candle on the flag coaster.
I would link with a party, but I'm not sure how yet...so I guess eventually I'll learn, LOL
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July.